So... another milestone crossed (: Thankfully it was well crossed or I'd be tearing my hair out about uni apps now. Am suitably pleased with myself, although I keep hoping that I didn't see my scores on the teachers' copy of the results slip wrongly since the smart me forgot to return the lousy blazer/skirt and so didn't get my results >< Please please please don't let me have seen the same (wrong) results twice!!!
Anyway Maldives in 4 days, am excited like you cannot believe. OMG 4 days! Means I need to start packing omgzzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz. Cannot wait cannot wait. Okay lousy short post back to figuring out how to fill in SMU apps. rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway Maldives in 4 days, am excited like you cannot believe. OMG 4 days! Means I need to start packing omgzzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz. Cannot wait cannot wait. Okay lousy short post back to figuring out how to fill in SMU apps. rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr