Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two years ago, this would have been the only thing that I'd wanted, but now, two years later, its just too little too late. Its been way too long for me to return to where I'd been then, and continue from there. Its too hard, I've forced myself to forget, and none of those things will ever change. I don't suppose things will ever be the way they used to be, and maybe at the back of my mind, I don't want to go back to that. I was too commiserating, gave in too much. I don't think I'd stand for that now, and maybe I want something better, something more exciting, something new. I'm sorry if you feel that there're more people in my life who're of greater importance than you now. I won't deny it, you're not number one in my life anymore. There are people who have been there, all the time, and haven't given me as much heartache as you have. I admit I'd wished this would happen so long ago, but now is just so far from two years ago, and after a while I'd just stopped wishing that this would happen, and learned to live for other things, learned to love other people. It could be that our expectations sometimes sell us short, and that I still want this, and its just not how I'd imagined it to be. (However, at the back of my mind, I know that this isn't true, and that I've really gotten on with my life.) Today was too sudden, after too long a time, and perhaps I didn't react as you'd have wanted me to, but honestly, who would have? Not sure what I want from us, but I know its definitely not that.

Maybe its time you moved on too.


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