Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wow I realised that I haven't blogged for a pretty long time, so I decided to blog once before we leave for SEA age tmr morning, and we come back and there are CTs and everything becomes crazyrushed.

So my week has been filled with.. shall we say, many ups and downs. This week has seen me happy and down, and doing lots of reflecting (not staring at myself in the mirror kthx.) I guess reflection is a good thing, cause as mum puts it, we're all trying to do too many things at once, and as a result end up becoming too unfocused and not being able to do any one thing properly. It is at times like these that you find that sitting down quietly, without any distraction or disturbance, is actually a really helpful thing to do. So you sit down and think, reflect on life, on what you've done, what you're going to do, how you could best have done it, how you can maximise your potential.. Things like that. Its not easy to deal when someone tells you you're a disappointment and that she isn't proud of you, so you take a step back and look at your life, ask yourself if you like what you've become. My answer was no, but I'm working on making it a yes.

Uhm so we're leaving for SEA Age tmr and I really cannot wait! I'm done packing but there's this little niggling feeling at the back of my mind that says I've forgotten something, though I can't for the life of me think what it is. (mmm mum just reminded me!) So 530am at the airport tmr morning, and I'm getting more excited!

Now I don't know what to blog about. Training's been going pretty okay and I've been churning out times that are quite decent so I think (I hope) that I'll do fine for SEA Age. Oh I was looking through the school nats program and some of the entries are srsly damn funny!

For example,
1500m Freestyle A-div: Woosheng, Shah, Zhi Zhi!
200m Fly A-div: Jinsei, Tom, Shah!

K so maybe I'm only laughing at the polo dudes, but its quite funny okay!!!

Shiz I really have nothing to blog about anymore. Nvm fotoz and a long update sometime after CTs. Damnz that's really far away .-.

K I'm off to do other things.


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