Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow I'm blogging twice today. I must be really bored with life. Or. I've done enough revision for today. ONE WHOLE TOPIC OF MATH is saying something for me cause my math totally sucks ass.

Anyway ripped another quiz from Khoonnie's blog.

If you had never been born, would you mind? I wouldn't know right cause I wouldn't even know I wasn't alive. But yeah I guess.
Are you a virgin? Yea.
Do you play an instrument? Piano and uh. recorder XD
Do you have a bf/gf? uhm this is a really weird question at the moment. But not now.
Are you okay with that? Pretty much?
Have you ever found a song that completely and utterly describes you? Not really.
Do you watch South Park? Sometimes.
Halo or COD 4? neither
Do you genuinely like the song Crank Dat by Soulja Boy? Its alright.
Do you have a younger sibling? Nope.
Are soccer players 'foot fairies', in your opinion? Uhm.
How old are you? 16
What is your favorite name for a girl? Alison!
What sports do you play? Swimming
Have you ever said lol in a real conversation? Yea I went through this phase in like sec 2.
If you could make a movie, what would the genre be? Comedy.
Have you ever been alone in a closet with the opposite sex? WEIRD QUESTION. nope.
Why are therapists bad? huh.
Have you ever been to pen island? hahahaha jiahao's blog!
Were the previous two questions offensive to you? not at all.
Are your parents together? hmmmm no.
Do you own a knife of any kind? swiss army knife!
Have you ever hurt your friend in a fit of rage? not that I rememeber
Did you feel sorry afterwards? -
Do you own an iPod? Nope. I have a Zen.
Would you consider this quiz random? Totally.
What color hair do you have? Dark brown I guess.
Have you ever played World of Warcraft? no.
Do you believe in God? uhm. kinda.
How would you describe your social status? ?? depends.
Do you wear glasses, contacts or neither? both
Do kids consider themselves your friends because you were nice to them? i guess.
Are you in any advanced placement classes? not smart enough -.-
Do you enjoy monopoly? yea
Cats or Dogs? dogz
Lions or Tigers? lionz
Ligers or Tigons? neither.
Would you jump in front of a bullet for someone? yeah
Who? the people I love.
Do you have a subscription to Sports Illustrated? no.
What is your favorite color? Orange and brown.
Do you like Disturbed? Hmm what's that? I like DISTURBIA!
Have you ever gone out with someone other than because you liked them? liked them in what way?
Do you think you are attractive? Nah.
Have you ever felt an inexplicable urge to have sex with someone? o0 no..
Do your friends like you for who you are? Hope so.
What is your favorite movie? I don't have a favourite.
Snowboarding or skiing? SKIING.
Can you whistle? Pretty much.
Do you know Demetri Martin? o0
Have you ever broken a bone? No! :D
Can you sing? I can carry a tune.
Why is your relationship the way it is? Cause.. we're being wishy washy.
Have you ever fallen asleep in class? HAHA uhm. no (:
Did you know that butter sounds like pancakes if you say it real slow? It doesn't!
Do you feel like a gullible retard now? Noooo :D
Can you raise one eyebrow? Yea I can even do an eyebrow wave :D:D
Have you ever downloaded a virus? Uh no.
Lacrosse or Football? Lacrosse.
iPod or Zune? ipod.
How many questions so far had nothing to do with you? I wouldn't know.

K that was the strangest quiz ever. Totally random and all that.


Yknow reading the two emails that you showed me when you were chasing the other 2 girls really twinged, and I don't know why. Somehow it feels like you're not putting as much effort into us as you did into them. Maybe I'm jealous, but. those emails were so heartfelt, and sometimes I just wonder, do you really feel that way about me or are you just using me again? I know its not nice to think all these things but really I keep asking myself how much I mean to you.


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