Sunday, June 17, 2007


OHYES I almost forgot. Jon was such a sweetheart yesterday okay! He queued for TWO WHOLE HOURS at donut factory to get me donuts! Like OMGZ how sweet is that. <3


Got this from Cheryltan's blog (: Yes I am THAT bored and I'm thinking of how to phrase my chem pt, and how to crap out four, read: FOURRRRR, pages of notes. like wtfffffff. Oh, and study for chem spa. =.=

1. Start Time: 1207 hours.
2. Name: Gan Su-Li Katrina :D
3. Nickname: KAT
4. Astrology sign: Scorpio
5. Gender: Female
6. Hair color: brown/black.
7. Eye color: brown (:
8. Height: 160. (I know I'm short dammit, DON'T JUDGE ME.)
9. Favorite color: Orange.
1o. Glasses: Contacts x)
11. Tattoos: Yuck. No way.
12. Birthplace: Singapore.
13. Area code: 460021
14. Best friends: You know who you are and I love you all. <3

15. Cut your own hair?: Yes I cut my fringe all the time.
16. Done something in the past regret?: TOTALLY.
17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to?: Yes how clearly I remember that.
18. Skipped school? Hoho of course.
19. Bungee jumped?: Something I have to do before I die!
2o. Punched someone? Yeah I punched Jon when I was like.. 4.
21. Cheated on someone? No that's mean.
22. Been arrested?: NOo.
23. Broken into someones house?: Nope.
24. Been to a funeral?: My first funeral being that of someone I loved so much.
25. Used a lighter?: Yes, but to light what? XD

26. Season: Winter!
27. Ice cream flavor: Its between Thin Mint and Dublin Mudslide!
28. School subject(s): English and Lit.
29. Candy: CHOCOLATE.
3o. Breakfast: uh. Its not the breakfast, its who's spending it with you (:
31. Juice: Apple! or Orange depending on my mood.
32. Book(s): Oh too many to count.
33. Movie(s): Dude, where's my car? is ultimate kickass. :D
34. Song(s): Way too many to list.
35. Letter(s): uh.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant: Carl's Junior!
37. Disney Princess: Like, eew?
38. TV station: Nothing local, that's for sure.
39. Name for a son: Tom, Dick or Harry :D
4o. Name for a daughter: We'll see.

41. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
42. Alcoholic or not?: Don't like alchohol.
43. Scary movies or comedies?: Comedies!
44. Short or long hair?: Long hair.
45. Croutons or bacon bits?: They both pwnzzzz.

46. Mexicans in general: Fajitas! (That was random.)
47. School: SUCKS.
48. Grass: GREEN.
49. Cow: BEEF.
5o. Canada: SKIING! (My first ever time :)
51. Mouse: HEEHEE so cute.
52. Hands: UGLY.

53. Watched a movie?: The Wicker Man.
54. Talked on the phone?: Yes.
55. Cried?: Yea.
56. Choked?: On pool water.
57. Drank a glass of water?: Yeap.
58. Done Drugs?: Nope.
59. Read a book or magazine? Hoyes.
6o. Watched TV?: Yup.
61. Looked in the mirror?: Yes.
62. Taken a shower?: Yep.
63. Taken a picture?: Yep
64. Listened to music?: Doing just that.
65. Kissed someone?: Not in that way.
66. Told someone you liked them: He knows it already.
67. End time: 1219 hours.

SG Open starts tmr and OMG I want to die.

I realise it isn't totally my fault, because you had a part to play too. If you want to think I'm the one who's in the wrong, do so, by all means. Just know that I miss you so much, and maybe one day it'll all be right between us again.



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