Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lol I think today convinced me that my time in the swimming world is pretty much up.

Snapped my ankle really badly when I jumped off the block at the World Cup trial this afternoon and couldn't even do a decent underwater kick after that. Finished in a 31.52 which is a really disgusting time.

Now I can't wait for April to come and let me get swimming out of the way. Looks like someone up there's telling me that swimming needs to go and that I really really need to get my butt off (actually its on) the chair and start mugging my brains out.

PTM today really did me in. Why is it that people choose to focus and HIGHLIGHT the bad points. I mean granted they have a point, but thanks ah.

Anyway have you ever considered that I might not even bloody hell be interested in school in the first place? So everyone says I can do it but srsly what's the point, all life is about is this fking rat race and I'm not even particularly interested in it anyway. We should really be quantified by something so much more substantial than school and results. Fk no wonder nerds get all the awards. Not saying I'm a brilliant character or anything but the point is.


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