Sunday, November 04, 2007

OHMYGOSH its really finally the end of the school year and of our time in RG! I'm having mixed feelings about it I suppose. On one hand, I"m happy that the hell is finally over, and that we're finally getting out of that place, yet on the other hand, I think I might miss that stupid place, and all the fun in it. Crap I don't have another hand. Okay the point was that I'm also apprehensive about going to RJC cos it means the start of another round of hell. Though if you think of it, life in RJ sounds pretty fun, provided you study properly as well anyway.

Okay and so it was class chalet on Friday :D Awesomely fun, running around with all the crazy people and watching people play idiot mahjong, attempting to cook edible food, eating all the crazy food that I'm not sure was even cooked properly, bitching about other teachers to Sakhar, Thiock, Jalleh and COw (:D), Filling plastic bags with water and playing water bombing with that, giving up and filling the pots and pans and jugs with water and splashing them at one another instead, walking all the way to the beach soaking wet from water bombing, taking really retarded pictures along the way, sitting at the beach and talking, and just being with all those awesome people. I'm really going to miss this class so much it sucks. Shall post the pictures when I get them from people and when I can get my butt off this chair.

Jaan's farewell was on the Saturday after the Class Chalet. I have to say that I don't feel as sad, YET. Its definitely because he's not really gone yet, and that the full impact of his leaving has yet to hit me. The only time I felt like crying all night was when we were leaving, and Jaan said some things to me as I went to hug him. That was the only time that that roiling wave of sadness hit me. PFSH why is saying goodbye always suck a hard thing to do? Likewise, pictures will be up when I get my butt off this chair.

Will be handing Human Scholarship App tmr, and I really hope I get in, because its something that I really want ):

OH and I finished watching DEVIL BESIDE YOU! Okay so I know I'm about 2 years late, but don't judge me! ): Anyway its really nice and Mike He's reallyreally hot. He's like my eyecandy. :D OMG I love drama badboys they're really hot. OKay shall stop fangirling.

Couldn't resist. HE'S HOT XD

Alright then, off I go (:


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